Health Information
Below is a list of many links to serve as resource for health information. Check often as I will continue to update.
Note: This is for information purposes only and is not meant to replace a doctors visit or to diagnose or treat any condition. Please consult your medical doctor before starting any new health program.
108 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
Alternative Medicine as Cost Saver
Aspartame_ What You Should Know
Autoimmunity and Nutritional Support
Best Food Sources for Antioxidants
Best Foods for Busy Professionals
Blood Pressure and Regulation with Nutrition
Fats and Essential Fatty Acids
Food Sensitivity and Reintroduction
Healing Process Pealing the Onion
Health Tips Since Being in Practice
Hypothyroidism Nutritional Support
Importance of Cholesterol in the Body
Mercury The Issue of Excretion
Migraines – Treating Cause or Curse
Nutritional Strategy For Health and Healing
Osteoporosis & Bone Building Up
Supporting the Endocrine System
Trophology and PMG Standard Process