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About Dr. Scott

Not only am I a holistic doctor, but I am a husband, a brother, a father, a friend. I have been hurt, I have watched loved ones die too early and too quickly to cancer. I have been over weight, over tired and at times not sure what I wanted to do in life. I’ve questioned myself way too many times and put way too much pressure on myself. I, too, am human.
My journey into this work actually started pretty simple when I was very young when some of my family told me, “Hey you’re smart. You should be a doctor”. I also realized I have various types of doctors in my family. My great grandmother was even a midwife so I think it’s in my blood.
I also grew up as an overweight child and I was made fun of all the time. With the help (force) of my mom (she told me I would have a heart attack if I didn’t lose weight…talk about a fun discussion as a 3rd grader…) I started to eat better. I lost weight and also got into into sports (well forced again…I was insanely shy as a kid and was so upset I had to do sports) which I ended up loving and excelling in through out school. As I felt better both on the inside and out about who I was, I became more and more excited on being a doctor.